This story, begun with Dartmoor...the Saving, has grown progressively darker. What a stonking tale it is.
Myrddin's War Myrddin's War
My review -
Myrddin’s War follows directly from B J Burton’s first book, Dartmoor…the Saving, and it features the same characters, with some additions. The word most reviewers used about Dartmoor was ‘charming’ and that charm is still there in abundance, with the little ‘Dini’ and the new character, Ranger Bob’s wonderful boy Arthur. This story, however, is much darker and grimmer in tone. Myrddin begins to tell the world where our selfish habits are leading but is he too late to effect a change? There are some really awful new characters here, motivated by greed and lust for power and watching the struggle between the two sides has been an anxious and nail-biting read. The story is a powerful one and will not be read by anyone who remains unaffected by it.
B J Burton has created a strong modern myth with these two books. I enjoy his easy (but not simple) writing style and his obvious knowledge and love of the Celtic mythology of Britain. I also find myself very much in agreement with the style of living his characters advocate in the books. Whether you are ecologically minded or not though, you can’t help but be drawn in to this wonderful tale of people with conflicting beliefs and lifestyles. I shall be thinking about this for a long time. It’s an excellent story.
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