Sunday, 8 January 2017

Lexie Conyngham

Lexie is a historian who writes murder mysteries. I love them!

Death of a False Physician link

My review - 

In this, the second of the Hippolyta Napier series, we meet her mother and sister. They do not impress, being rather rude and imperious and treating Hippolyta, in her own house, as one of the servants. They have come to take the waters at the local spa, attracted by the presence of the travelling physician, Dr Gilead. Hippolyta’s husband, Patrick, the local doctor, is not impressed by the new doctor in residence at the hotel and spa. Hippolyta is worried that her mother seems tired and is obviously taking the patent medicine. Her sister waspishly decries the treatment and the following of Gilead from spa to spa.

I love these stories. I love the time and the setting, early in the 1800s. Hippolyta is a great character, young, intelligent, yet in the face of parental overwhelmingness (new word?) she’s unsure of herself. We toss around the suspects, she and the reader, until in the very final pages we can see what’s been happening and how we’ve allowed ourselves to be misled. A really gripping story I had to pull myself away from in order to eat!

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