Sunday, 24 February 2013

Beverley Carter

Another great little story from Beverley Carter.  She never lets me down!

Murder at Tremawney Heights Murder at Tremawney Heights

My review -

I’m an unashamed fan of Beverley Carter’s novellas.  You don’t always want to be reading War and Peace and it’s great to have something lighter you can read in an evening.  If you’ve read The House on Tremawney Hill, you’ll have met some of these characters.  Alison owns the estate agency where Laura, main character for the earlier novella, and Denise, Alison’s step daughter, also work.  Denise and Alison have a lovely, bantering and believable relationship and these characters are nicely drawn.

When you tell your kids not to get mixed up with the wrong sort, you don’t usually mean the well-to-do!  Denise’s new boyfriend introduces her to his rich but unpleasantly dysfunctional family.  She is later asked by his mother to sell one of their properties and finds a body there.  Within the limits of a novella it’s hard to give minor characters much depth but still, the bland Mallowry, the waspish Victoria and the drunken, lecherous Toby made an impression on me and on the story.  I didn’t predict the ending, which had another layer of surprise too. From the fact that there is an unresolved sub-plot, I assume there’s a possible further visit to Tremawney in store.  I look forward to it!

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