Coffin Maker
My review -
Coffin Maker strikes the last nail home and the coffin is completed, that's
when the intended recipient dies. He has been doing his job as long as life has
existed. In effect, he is Death, Life's antithesis. Father Henry has written a
story about him and given it to his little nephew. This book is almost a fable
or dark fantasy, dealing as it does with Coffin Maker and his two recent
companions; his apprentices. Something, some evil being, has entered the world
while Coffin was distracted and that's never happened before.
do I categorise this book? It’s got elements of fantasy, mythology, philosophy
and metaphysics. The story is both full of action and somewhat introspective
and I very much enjoyed Coffin's internal dialogues, his insistence upon being
The Poet of Death and keeping a journal, and his conversation with the
apprentices. I can imagine this story not appealing to some people but I found
it very compelling indeed. I couldn't imagine how it would end, and I loved the
way it did.