Monday, 10 September 2012

Beverley Carter

Beverley writes short but perfectly proportion novellas.  I haven't read one that I've not enjoyed.

The Tonic  The Tonic

My review -

This little novella is a gem. I read it in an evening and it had everything I want from a book. Beverley Carter writes very well. The story was intriguing, the characters, in spite of the fact that the work was short, were well balanced. There was a forthright and practical 96 year old, a keen but concerned researcher, an efficient yet sensitive doctor's secretary and of course, the dastardly pharmaceutical industry, bent on profit. The story was well paced and I almost read it at a sitting it was so good.
There is a glorious and satisfying end to this little book too. What more could you want? I would recommend this work without hesitation.

The House on Tremawney Hill  The House on Tremawney Hill

My review -

This is another excellent novella by Beverley Carter. Lorna buys a run-down property in Cornwall shortly after the death of her controlling husband. In her new found freedom she makes some good friends. The cottage she buys though, is rather spooky.

This is an atmospheric story and Beverley Carter is always able to create characters we can relate to, we like, we soon feel we know. Although the book is short, you can really get your teeth into a story with enough meat to satisfy any literary appetite. A compelling and enjoyable read.

The Surrogate Vigilante The Surrogate Vigilante

My review -

I have only just discovered Beverley Carter and she is a natural story teller. This novella places us in something of a moral maze. It asks us how we would react if given the chance to right a judicial wrong. The protagonist is given this opportunity and right to the very end we don't know if he will do it or bottle out. I don't want to give anything away but I'll say that the ending was a complete surprise but in the most satisfying of ways.
I often feel that the short story or novella is a difficult thing to get right. Either a thin story-line is stretched out too far or in order to complete the tale, the characters are insufficiently fleshed out. In both the novellas I have read by Beverley Carter, she has struck the balance and produced a finely crafted book. I look forward to reading more from her.

The Tide Will Turn  The Tide Will Turn

My review -

Beverley Carter's latest novella keeps up her high standard. She is very good at drawing believable characters, getting into their heads and allowing you to get in there too. These two men, Cliff and Gary, are lifelong friends. Their journey along the coast throws up some real surprises.

Beverley Carter's writing is always clear and unfussy. She excels at novella writing because she can get to the heart of a story. She throws up moral dilemmas and most of what she writes sets me thinking. This little tale was interesting and gripped me throughout. Her endings are always unpredictable too!

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