Thursday, 13 September 2012

Jon Rosenberg

I read Jon's first two books in the Hidden Academy series before I began to write reviews.  Had I been reviewing then, I would definitely have given the first book The Unicorn Crisis a five star review and The Digital Wolf a four star.  Pantheon was so dark and wonderful - back to five again!

Pantheon of the Dead (Hidden Academy) Pantheon of the Dead (Hidden Academy)

My review -

The third volume of Jon Rosenberg's Hidden Academy series will not disappoint any of his many fans. David Ash goes up against the Greek gods who are trying to regain their old powers. He needs to enable the return of his fellow Summoners who have all been spirited away and he journeys into Hades to do so. The work is darker, more thoughtful, than the earlier books which often contained a good deal of humour. Jon has moved his writing up to a new level with this story.

What impresses me greatly is the descriptive talent he displays in showing us the use of Ash's powers. There is some wonderful writing here and to be able to explain and describe so clearly a process which doesn't exist is an enviable skill. I read it, I saw it in my mind, I believed it. This book will enhance Jon Rosenberg's reputation as a skilled storyteller. His writing is developing both in style and in power. I loved it!

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